Saturday, May 9, 2009

LOST last week

Ok, it has been a few days since I wrote anything about Wednesday's LOST. I feel I need to repeat the last entry's comment: Sayid is a complete badass. He's just been hiding out in the jungle for a few episodes, then all of a sudden he reappears at the perfect moment and kills someone. What could be better?

I'm also not going to get into any time-travel theories because my head starts to hurt. In that department, I'd rather just watch and find out. I think what I enjoyed most about last week's episode, however, was seeing the continued evolution of Ben. These days, the poor guy is complete toast. Stick a fork in him because he is DONE, but yet he is still holding on. He has been dethroned as the leader of the 'others', but yet you can still see him scheming and plotting to return to power. It is absolutely fascinating to see him hanging on by his fingertips to the illusion--the memory--of the power and the leadership he used to have. He simply refuses to let go, even though his time has passed. What else are we going to see from him?

The schism between Jack and Kate is also quite interesting. For nearly five seasons, they have been on the same side. They have always had each other's back. But now, with Jack planning to detonate Jughead, things have changed. Jack has this belief (albeit perhaps a naive one) that their "normal" life, the life that was forgone because of the crash, is a better path than the one they are currently on. Well, I understand why Jack would feel that way, and I would probably feel that way too, but you have to look at it from Kate's perspective. If she gets on that plane in Sydney, what is waiting for her in L.A.? Sure, Jack's wife left him, but at least he has a relatively successfuly career. What is waiting for Kate? Jail! Who would want to go back to that? Crashing on the island has given Kate a second chance on life, and she is determined not to let this new life get washed away with the bomb. Next week's season finale is going to be incredible.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

LOST tonight

Look. I've said this many times before but I will say it again: Sayid is an absolute badass. There's no other way to say that. More to follow.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! Drink some Corona. Picture of course copyright

Monday, October 27, 2008


Penny Arcade confirms what I have been saying for a very long time. So don't say any bogus shit about it, or you'll totally deserve anything that happens to you.

Again, thanks to Craig for sending this one my way.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Shawshank Redemption

Next up on the Netflix Queue: The Shawshank Redemption

Yes, I know it took me forever to finally see this movie. Have I been living under a rock? Probably. Anyhow, everyone knows that Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman were great in this, so that's all I'll say about that.

What was so striking to me was the movie's depiction of the prison's permanent effect on the inmates lives. Both Brooks and Red discussed how being in prison fundamentally changed their lives. Brooks was terrified of being paroled because he would have no idea how to survive on the outside. Think about how sad that is. Its like an animal that has been lived in a zoo their whole life. If one day they are suddenly set free, they won't possess basic survival skills. Brooks had been in jail for 50 years. His whole life was there. His friends were there. He had a job there. He was somebody there. But outside, he was nothing. Clearly, he didn't like life on the outside. The same thing happened to Red decades later. He is seen contemplating ways to get back in to Shawshank, though he never acts on them. It is shocking to see how the inmates' lives have been destroyed to the point that they cannot have a (what we would call) "normal" life outside of Shawshank. Great movie.

Next up on the queue: Ratatouille, X Files Season 2, Dead Poets Society

First Post!

Welcome to Cultural Arbitrage! Don't worry I know the title needs work. We'll see what I can come up with.

I started this blog because I needed a place to put down my random thoughts. There won't be one particular theme; instead, I'll post on plenty of topics: sports, movies/TV, articles I read, random cultural crap, hopefully as little politics as possible. You get the idea.